In a broad sense all pipe supports in oil and gas and energy sector industries can be projected into several principal groups, as shown below, where each group, to certain degree, is in use at practically every industrial facility.

• Basic (simple) supports⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀• Spring supports⠀
• Hangers⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀• Dynamic load supports
• Restraints⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀• Sliding supports

Each group encompasses many variations into types and subtypes, and each group can be used both individually as is and in combination with other groups - whereas such "combination" assembly may need to be installed on same spot along the pipe. Types and subtypes of supports occur for necessity of imparting a pipe support, aside from basic function of "holding the load", certain particular features in order to enable a pipe support for handling a variety of operational and design conditions such as high (and extremely high) temperatures, low (or cryogenic) temperatures and heat conservation/protection, pipeline movement tolerances and pipe support rigidity, wind load, settlement of supporting surfaces and grounds, material compatibility and corrosion protection, vibration, acoustic effects, loading speed and its nature caused by external conditions and conditions set to regulate flow in the line, desired pace for suppressing external loads, designed allowance for magnitude of external forces acting on a pipeline, safety factor and loading frequency, reliability and longevity, and numerous combinations of any of the factors listed above. For the goal of selecting pipe supports and its location for majority of instances, established internal specifications and guidelines are used that are set for a particular project, which regulate types of support to be used depending on geometry and size of pipeline, loading conditions and process requirements. That is how in most cases pipe supports of the top three groups in the list above are selected.

For cases of rather complex and transient loading conditions, it is required, - by same internal (for an enterprise) specifications and guidelines, - to undertake more vigorous and thorough scrutinizing, using automated computational tools and, sometimes, latest
research & development applications in the field of assessing loads and occurrences such as vibration caused by specifics of the flow (FIV) or vibration caused by acoustic effects (AIV).

Since addressing of such complex loading conditions (as described in the paragraph above) for the purpose of specifying pipe supports is handled by companies solely and within individual engineering capabilities, the overall commercial market for readily available pipe supports is represented by a range of products which relate more to first three groups of pipe supports as listed above, which also are considered the most widely used groups and the groups of "mass production".

DEPC offers a range of pipe supports of "mass production" category, which found innumerable fields of application at practically every oil & gas and energy sector enterprise in Kazakhstan.
In addition to displayed in the table (link below) range of pipe supports with descriptions, DEPC is in position to offer production of different design pipe supports to various dimensions, tolerances, and specifications required specifically for your project.

The given Table (link below) of pipe supports and technical description will significantly help you understand the product and make
the reasonable choice.
Our capabilities for fabricating pipe supports:
- Steels, material and properties involved in our product have been pre-selected considering required provisions for design and operation of pipe supports, and stand not second to those made outside the country.
- Considering local content for production and material, the final cost benefit with our pipe supports may easily surpass efficiency that our potential clients currently practice when supplying projects with pipe supports from other sources.
- Our pipe supports are certificated for application at temperatures which at large safety margin accommodate operating, design, and harsh weather conditions which are typical for environments in oil & gas projects in Kazakhstan.
- As parallel approach, DEPC may manage designing and fabrication of pipe supports suitable for conditions and requirements which are "non-typical" or "non-conventional".
- If required, DEPC can carry out, upon client request, fabrication of pipe supports using material and components originating from certain producers, OEMs, or sources which are more preferable to our client.
Why place orders with us
  • 1
    Time frames and labor of the pipe supports production cycle are minimized.
  • 2
    Preliminary, extensive technical advice
    on choosing the types of pipe supports.
  • 3
    Accompaniment of products with all necessary technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of: ASTM, ГОСТ, ASME, ISO, etc.
  • 4
    Manufacturing according to the size and technical conditions of the customer and consultation on the technical and regulatory compliance of non-standard pipe supports.
  • 5
    Regular reporting to the customer and discussion of the stages of production and work planning in accordance with international standards.
  • 6
    DEPC can organize technical discussions, negotiations, consultations with your colleagues, partners, representatives of third parties for you.
Contact us:
+7 (713) 271-31-69
Aktobe, Abilkayyr Khan Avenue-2
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